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Hyperbaric Therapy

Oxygen breathed under pressure dissolves in plasma, which is one of the components of blood, following a physical law. In this way, large amounts of oxygen are achieved in the arterial and venous blood, which is used by the tissues, not needing the presence of red blood cells.


These high levels of oxygen are the causes of the different effects of hyperbaric oxygenation such as anti-infective, de-demolishing, detoxifying, forming new vessels, stimulating the formation of collagen, which means an increase in the speed of healing, among others.

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  • Delivering increased amounts of oxygen to injured tissues

  • Promotion of blood vessel formation, especially in micro-circulation, to increase blood flow

  • Reduction of edema

  • Reduction and inactivation of some infections

  • Promotion of wound healing

  • Preservation of compromised tissues

  • Stimulation of new bone formation

  • Reduction of the effects of some particular toxic substances

  • Get the image you want faster

  • It allows to see the aesthetic results much earlier

  • Speeds up the recovery process

Hyperbaric Therapy

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